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Current Students

Student Support Services

During your enrollment, Wiseman Institute will deliberately engage with you on a number of occasions.


We do this through requesting you to complete enrolment documentation, discussions over the phone, enrolment interview and finally during your orientation. One of the important objectives of these engagements is to understand what support services you may need to fully participate in your study. You will be asked various questions about your support needs or your “individual needs”.


This is simply the term we use to define what your needs are and this enables us to organise the appropriate support services. Make sure you take the most of this opportunity and let us know if you need support.

Teacher Assisting a Student
Monitoring Attendance & Progress

Under the National Code 2018 of the ESOS Act 2000, international students are required to maintain satisfactory course progress and attendance in order to successfully complete their program within the duration specified in the Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) letter. An education provider can only extend the expected duration of study in limited circumstances, through issuing a new CoE.

Clean Space
Deferral or Suspension

Students unable to attend for a period of time, may lodge an Application to Defer Studies for approval by the Director of Studies. Deferment is usually granted once only and for a period no longer than two terms. The return date will be at the discretion of the institute. Students will be advised of such requirements at the deferment interview. An Application to recommence studies must be completed and approved by the Director of Studies. A student’s enrollment may only be deferred or suspended where compelling or compassionate circumstances exist.

Student Resources

Wiseman Institute provides students with access to a comprehensive range of written, video, and online resources. These materials may be accessed for study use. There is also a wide range of textbooks for student to access on request from the on-site library. Students are reminded to return the borrowed material by due dates and observe copyright laws when using resources. Students will be required to pay for loss or damage to resources. An online portal is provided where student can access reading materials relevant to course they are studying. However, they cannot use it for submission of assessments. Students can also use on-campus WiFi free of cost. They can avail facilities from Lakemba public library as well, only 3 minutes walk away.

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